Monday, September 20, 2010

definitely not me...

It might be that the school and kindergarten start in September - where I live that is, but I sure don't feel like working too hard these days. I only managed to do 2 challenges for DSM and as an excuse I have the fact that we are organizing and reorganizing and sorting through things where we live now. Yes, I am getting ready to move to my new home, which is not close to where I live right now and I have my things and my kid's things to go through and then help my mom arrange her house before we leave. I already mentioned where I am going, but if this is the first time you are visiting my blog, I will just say this: to get to my new home I travel for 22 hours and change two cars and two planes... YES, it is that far away. So now you know why this month might be considered my lazy month in terms of challenges. And I have no idea what will happen in October and the rest of the year since I am sure I will definitely not have too much time to stay in front of the computer. But I will take it one day at a time and Now I have the second step of the DSM Progressive challenge:

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