Monday, August 16, 2010

back to DSM challenges

While trying to do my scrap this way challenge I kept changing things and did not know what I wanted to do with it so... I simply put it away and started the font challenge. The idea for this layout came from browsing through the BAK August kit and seeing all those cute butterflies. Of course, none of them as cute as mine - Alex was a red butterfly at one of her preschool shows. There were two other butterflies - a white one and a yellow one, but they were both played by boys - thus she was the only girl butterfly. Now while I was working on this challenge, my mind was still trying to figure out something for the scrap this way challenge. What's the big deal you might ask? Well the challenge for scrap this way sounds something like this: your challenge this month is FALL....your LO can be about fall, your elements can be "falling" off the page, your titling can have the word fall in it, the colors can be fall ever you want but I must feel fall either the season or word from your LO!!!

So while I was working for the font challenge - where I made a mistake... good thing I didn't post the layout yet; it hit me what to do with the word FALL  - cheesy or not all I have now in my head is the UB40 song "I can't help FALLing in love with you..." So, yes, this is what I am going to do for the scrap this way challenge.

Now back to the font challenge, I did my butterfly layout and even wrote a little title on the page so that I could use the required font. What did I do? I used a combination of other two fonts.:) well I guess I am falling in love more and more with my husband and can't put my things in order. Thus realizing my mistake while writing this post I changed the font and now I have two versions of the same layout. The first one is the good one:)

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